NanoArt International Online Exhibition I NanoArt International Festival

To paint the NanoArt monochromatic electron scans I developed in Adobe Photoshop a technique I called “Digital Faux”. Faux painting is a very old technique used by decorative painters to recreate the look and feel of many types of natural materials. The beginning of this decorative art technique is dated few thousand years ago, started with the Egyptians continuing with the Mycenaean and other Greek populations, ancient Rome, Italian Renaissance, and the French school. Faux finishes use glazes instead of paint. The difference between these two is paint is opaque and glaze is translucent. By layering glazes one can produce more 3-dimensional effects then with paint.
Like traditional faux, Digital Faux is done by overlaying translucent layers of color to create the perception of depth, volume, and form. This is what I called “Digital Glazes” and I obtain them in Photoshop by adjusting the opacity of different colors.
The final step of my artistic process is printing. I print my works on canvas or fine art paper with long-lasting inks using Epson process. Epson ink technology produces archival prints with amazing color fidelity, gloss level, and scratch resistance, while providing stable colors from the moment prints exit the printer. Incorporating high density pigments, Epson ink produces prints with an extremely wide color gamut allowing the reproduction of colors that were originally envisioned.
NanoArt International Online Exhibitions I NanoArt I NanoArt International Online Competition