In 2019, Carnegie Mellon University is sending The First Museum To The Moon aboard an Astrobotic lander. “Comprised of four independent 2”h x 2”dia chambers and weighing a combined total of 6 ounces, it contains hundreds of images, poems, music, nano-objects, mechanisms, and earthly samples. The project involves 18 universities and organizations, 60 team members, and 250 , designers, educators, scientists, choreographers, poets, writers and musicians.”
Moon Museum is one of the four modules (Earth, Meta, Moon, Ether) of MoonArk, a “highly collaborative and massively integrated project headed to the Moon intended to spark wonderment for future humans through poetically entangled visual narratives of the arts, humanities, sciences, and technologies”.
The Moon Museum is a “celebration of our creative capacity and an acknowledgment of the critical role our hands play in enabling us to express ourselves through language, sculpture, image making, and music.” The image is arranged as a five hamsa symbols containing numerous artworks and creative artifacts. One of the hamsa symbols contains 93 NanoArt works.
Copyright of the artworks exhibited in this gallery remains with their authors.