FREE Entries – Open to All Artists and Scientists – Seed Images of 3 Nanostructures are Provided for Further Artistic Creation
Jurors: Elizabeth Strickler is the Associate Director of the Digital Arts Entertainment Lab at Georgia State University. Much of her own research is in new modes of media interface and production through projects like The Window Project and The Cross Stitch Project. Her documentaries, short films, and new media works have received international awards and her most recent film is currently playing on PBS POV 2013 series. Sergio I. Molina is Professor at the University of Cadiz, Spain, in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. He is the leader of the research Group “Materials and Nanotechnology for Innovation” and the scientific adviser of the Electron Microscopy Division of this University. He has been a visiting researcher at the Universities of Cambridge, Liverpool and Sheffield, in U. K., the EPFL of Lausanne, in Switzerland, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA. His research is currently focused on the development of nanomaterials for Photonics and nanocomposites for additive manufacturing techniques.
Winners will be notified in July, 2015. The competition will be promoted on different venues online, contacts, word-of-mouth. The artists could also promote the competition on their websites and other venues.

Click on the links or the thumbnails above to download larger PDF files of the images. Participating artists who do not have other possibility to obtain electron microscopy imagery will have to alter 1, 2 or all 3 provided images in any artistic way to create original NanoArt work(s). Consider this as a scientist – artist collaboration. However, the artists, scientists, and artists-scientists teams are strongly encouraged to participate with their own images as long as these visualize micro or nano structures. Please provide details about the image and the artistic process in the entry form (click on one of the links bellow to download form). The artists can participate with up to 5 images (artworks). Please send one image per e-mail to and include: Name, City, Country, Artwork Title, Final Image Size and Resolution, Artistic Process, Comments, Opinions, Ideas (here you can express your opinions in regards to the NanoArt K12 program, generate new ideas for NanoArt promotion, competitions, shows, etc.). The web image file must be JPEG format at a resolution of 72 dpi with the longest dimension of maximum 800 pixels.All accepted works will be displayed on the exhibition site together with artist’s name, a short description of the artistic process, and artist’s website and e-mail.The Top 10 artists’ works will be shown in a multimedia presentation on the home page for one full year and will be invited to exhibit at the fourth edition of The International Festival of NanoArt and NanoArt 21™ shows all over the world. The previous editions of the festival were held in Romania, Finland, and Germany. Here are some examples of shows organized by NanoArt 21™: the NanoArt exhibition at Nano Israel 2012, the NanoArt 21™ exhibition at 2010 Passion for Knowledge Festival in San Sebastian, Spain, the NanoArt exhibition at EuroNanoForum 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Copyright of entered artworks remains with the artist who agrees by submitting his/her works to grant permission to and Cristian Orfescu to use the submitted material in exhibits on the web site and other media for marketing and printing for off line marketing. You must accept that all entries are archived and displayed online. Your permission to display the entry for the competition and later in the archives cannot be reversed and its use or removal is entirely at the discretion of
A suggested donation of US$ 15 or equivalent currency may be paid using PayPal. The donation is used exclusively to maintain this site and promote NanoArt and the competition. Click the button bellow to pay: